Exterior Painting

At HA Classic Design, we understand that the outside of your house is like its face to the world. Given that, we are here to make sure it looks at its best with an outstanding exterior painting.

Our team of painters are skilled in the art of outdoor transformation via exterior painting. We have worked on many homes, so we know the ins and outs of turning exteriors into eye-catching wonders. From the front porch to the backyard, we bring our straightforward expertise to make your home stand out in the neighborhood.
If you would like to get started, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can give us a call at 0470 665 286 or send an email to haclassicdesign@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can use the contact page on our website to submit a contact request. We will get back to you shortly then.



The first step in our exterior painting process is prepping the surface. Before we start painting, we make sure the surface is ready. We clean and smooth it out. We make sure there is a solid base for our work. Next, we keep things simple while achieving outstanding results. Our exterior painting techniques can make your home look its best without unnecessary complexity. From brush strokes to roller applications, we are able to have an outstanding finish.
We know that the outside of your home faces the world. Given that, we use quality paints that can withstand the weather and last for a long time. However, you always have the choice to supply the paint and materials yourself based on your own preferences. If you supply materials, we just do the painting and finish the job with an outstanding quality.

Another important step in a quality exterior painting process is selecting the right colours that match the style of your house and your preferences. As mentioned, you can select the colour and purchase the materials, or we can help you with it. It is your choice.

Our main aim is to make the process as simple as possible for you. When you contact us, we will visit the site and provide straightforward advice. We can consult you with the colour choice, paint materials and other necessary things if you would like our input. Exterior painting should not be a complicated task, and with our help, it can become a easy project for you.

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